
Showing posts from September 15, 2013

Disruption and dealing with it

So i'm delayed to go to Manchester train station and just been announced that the train is coming now but dealing with disruption is a massive problem.  Any Changes to traveling plans can upset and annoy you due to the fact that you have planed your journey. I was ready to flip out but then the control have confirmed that the train is coming.  If it is out of our control we cannot deal with Changes and with a time limit can be stressful ... all u need to do is keep calm! 

Insomnia and Aspergers- Two Peas in A Pod

We all experience sleepless nights now and again for one reason or another, but with Aspergers it becomes a regular routine leading to Insomnia.  As you prepare to go to bed, you feel like your mind is still thinking about things that shouldn't be there like: What you need to do tomorrow?  Did I lock the door?  Do I have any homework or assignments?  The questions can be about anything and they will run through head to the point where you will not get the thoughts out of your head and so sleep becomes a distance memory or a luxury. I can't sleep now... but I have had Insomnia in the past that was awful with night tremors thrown in for good measure.  Insomnia and me:  When I was a teenager I was addicted to caffeine products like your basic energy drink and pro plus tablets. The reason I was hooked on them in the first place was down to the fact that I couldn't sleep due to stress at school and would have recurring night tremors that made me have panic attac...

Obsessions and Aspergers- It's Normal!

We all have Obsession, it's a coping thing that we have, we latch onto to something that we love and it becomes apart of us. Meet My Obsession: Say Hello to the band Mcfly, tomorrow i'm going to London and they are the reason!!! Now I'm not going into detail about every band member individually but I can tell you I know their full names, Where they were Born, What year and month they were born and Name Parents and Siblings from memory. I also know them inside and out personality wise and adore them. Back in 2003, This band had just come out and I remember that I not only fell head over heals with the music but the band themselves. They made me laugh, they were just 4 normal lads in a band and that down to earth approach which they still have today has made me still love them and defend them forever. It also opened up my social life as I found friends through the band and would consider them to be the best friends I've ever had. When i'm sad I put them on and...

Having a Down Day

I know this is not what you want to read on a blog that is supposed to be able to support AS girls but today I am just in one of those Down Days where everything annoys me or upsets me. It is that time of the month which have something to do with it, but I just wanted to Blog about it because I have Highs and Lows and today my mood is at the  low/medium end of the Low point which means that i'm not depressed but i'm just not feeling myself. I do have ways in which to cope with this, which is to distract myself from how i'm feeling and try to cheer myself up which is a hard task at the moment. Tomorrow i'm off to London and I should be really excited about it but somehow i'm not ... I'm not excited and i'm going to see my favourite band for the 13th time. I feel isolated and alone and I think that may be down to the fact that I just feel lost at the moment with my life.  I'm at the point where I don't know which direction i'm headed and that...

Lost In Translation and Identity: Asperger’s and Everyone Else

What do I mean when I talk about being lost in translation? Well from an Aspergers POV we are the ones that find it difficult to communicate or understand body language. It is like someone talking in a different language to us. One of the biggest problems I have when I tell people what Aspergers is their actual understanding of this condition. When I try to explain it people’s faces actually go blank or they want to run away when they hear the words ‘ Autism ’ as there is still a fear and stigma attached to the condition even now in 2013! One of the things I try to explain in simple terms is that a Aspergers brain is wired differently to what would be classed as a ‘ Normal ’ person’s brain. I use these sayings sometimes: “If you have two computers sitting side by side in front of you, to your left there is a P.C (windows) and to the right there is a Mac. The one on the left could be a ‘normal’ person’s brain with all the operating functions it needs in its system where...

New post

will be up later on tonight , thank you to everybody who has looked at the blog so far !!! 

Public Transport and You

I know this is one of our biggest fears! Today i'm traveling to Huddersfield from where I live which consists of one bus and two trains. This can be a very stressful time for anyone who is AS so I wanted to share some of the techniques I use to make it through those journeys. For a start money is the first worry;  Do I have enough???  For this I have a tip, go online and type in the name of the transport company in my case it's Rossendale Transport. Before looking at timetables there should be a prices list that tells potential commuters what to expect to pay for single or return journeys.  So for me if  I wanted an all day return ticket i'll have to make sure I have £4.70 on me for a day rover or for a single today I need £3.60    to get to the train station.   If the website is no help when it comes to prices ask the driver what the price is or a friend that you can trust who uses the buses a lot. If you have a young persons bus pass then ...

it's a goodnight from me!

Well I hope you're enjoying the posts so far but it's not time for me to get some sleep ... that will be a topic i will be covering later on but it's 12.55pm(GMT) which means it's time for bed!  night night  Sophie x

Aspergers and you what does it all mean??? My experience with diagnosis and education!

Aspergers and me???  The first thing that comes to mind is the fact that Aspergers is a complex and very individual syndrome. What I mean by 'individual' is that not every 'Aspie' is the same, we are all unique as I found out. When I first thought about the whole idea of me being Aspergers I didn't know what to think, to be 15 just out of school and heading into a day release Mental Health unit was a scary thing. With doctors and councillors and all sorts of children and teenagers with different mental health problems all in a very old, cold and dark Victorian building in Burnley Hospital  East Lancashire was not on the top of my list of places to visit. I wanted to feel safe and that ultimately was at home, in my room with my laptop, DVD's and Mcfly posters and CD's! Not in a cold mental health ward!!!! The thing with it was that i couldn't function in school, I in fact detested the notion of me even stepping foot in school. High Schools are big, ...

A Hello from me!!!

Hi there!!! Welcome to the Aspergers girl guide... this blog is for all the girls out there who have AS and are finding it hard to cope with everyday life. I know how it feels to be an AS girl and to be honest it is most of the time a challenge to say the least with people who just don't get you! This blog will hopefully help you with these worries and struggles and help combat the issues you face in everyday life. I must say that I was pretty nervous to actually make this blog as I don't really speak openly about my AS with people over the internet only with people who ask me or when I have to explain what it is to people who are unaware about this condition. I know what it is like to be Aspergers and still go through everyday life and trying to fit in as even being a 'normal' (or what could be considered as normal) girl is difficult without the added bonus of a special (and it is special) gift of Aspergers. This blog is also here to support not only girls w...