#Survival Guide - Classroom Nightmares

Classrooms can be Nightmares on a daily basis! If it's not your classmates kicking off every five minutes or telling jokes in biology then it might be a teacher that has just had enough! Whatever the situation for a Aspie girl, High school can be problematic and traumatic so I have decided once and for all to tackle the issues of problematic classmates and teachers as well as surviving lessons that could be a major problem for Aspergers Girls from my own experiences of High School. High school for me was not a good period in my life. From day one I hated it and if it wasn't the corridors or the other factors of being in a massive building it was the actual lessons themselves. As I grew older and moved up I hated it more and more. There were many problems I faced along the way and some were just the fact that I had Teachers who were on the verge if not having a mental health breakdown from too much stress and Classmates that just didn't want to be in scho...