#TheQuittingDairies: Tears, Mental Health Meltdowns and Cravings

We all have bad days but this week has been one where my emotions have taken control and I'm starting to wonder if I've made the right decision? Doubting whether i've made the right choice is normal, I do on a daily basis but I've hit a patch of complete and utter meltdown mode and the cravings have returned to the point where I've considered buying a packet of cigarettes and smoke them all. It started on Tuesday night, my anxiety hit the roof and I couldn't sleep, my mind was completely consumed with anxieties and that has continued for the rest of the week. "I'm exhausted and emotionally gone through a process of complete and utter anger, depression and extreme anxiety." I just feel like I've lost complete control and although I usually can get through these rough patches and get back onto an even keel, over the last few days I've completely lost it. I've screamed, sobbed and nearly had a full on meltdown, becoming...