#TheQuittingDairies: Irrational Thought Processes , Allergic Reactions and A Packet of Cigs

I thought I was doing so well and then I crashed due to extreme stress so it was a case of mental health over no cigs and I chose the better of two evils! That doesn't mean to say I've given up on quitting, it just means that I've gone to fast and I needed to rethink my options as I can't constantly meltdown all the time and flip out over little things due to the fact that i'm withdrawing. I knew somewhere along the road my body would bite back and let me know how disgruntled it is and it has done it in the most spectacular fashion with big red swollen blisters that itch constantly and burn all the time and no period this month ( I'll go into further detail on that later). So today I had to do something about it and I bought a packet of cigs, I know that this is a bad thing but I have to take a step back and feel better emotionally. "I went cold turkey too fast and I've come to the stage where it's been more than a week of scream...