#SurvivalGuideSpecial: Dealing with Nasty Neighbours and Knowing Your Rights As An Aspergers Person

We all have one of those Neighbours who can make life hell, hey there is even TV programmes about the subject these days but as someone with Aspergers when does the odd confrontation become something more than that? Having experienced this for the last 15 years of my life with constant runs in and being threatened on a numerous occasions when does it become more than Harassment and turns into a Hate Crime? Under UK law a Hate Crime against a Disabled Person is classed as the following : Threatening behaviour Assault Robbery Damage to Property Inciting others to commit a Hate Crime Harassment If any of the above has happened to you then it is defined as a Hate Crime against a Disabled person. "As someone with Aspergers Syndrome I don't see myself or even class myself as Disabled and this is not because I don't believe I am Autistic but rather I don't see myself as less abled as a Normal Person but rather Differen...