# SurvivalGuide - Managing Homework

Homework can be a bore and a challenge! You've already crammed enough information into your brain for the day and then your teacher gives you what seems to be too much work to do when you get home. Although it may seem unfair you have to do your homework and the excuse of the 'Dog Ate It' isn't going to work because lets face it.. teachers have heard it all before! I know Joey.. it's ok! But never fear as with all my survival guides, I have some handy little tips to make sure you'll complete and do your homework in no time. Homework can seem like a chore! I know from experience that whenever the 'H' word was mentioned in class right up to University, everyone would suddenly all in unison groan and roll their eyes at the thought of doing more work on top of writing essays and practical work. The thing about Homework with everything else to do with School is all about remembering what you have been taught in lesson and proving...