#Handbook: Believing in Yourself

Self Doubt is something that we all have to face whether Autistic or not. It's a never ending and continuous cycle that can be due to low self esteem, depression and anxiety and in the end is a hard battle to fight. All those negative voices that circle in your head telling you the same old lies over and over again can be hard to ignore, but knowing that you have come so far from where ever you started can be the light in a sea of darkness. This is something that I live with due to having severe Depression and Chronic Anxiety, I've come so far in the last decade of my life from being in a mental health unit for a whole year after having the worst experience of my life at school. I've touched on my experiences at school in previous blog posts where I described what happened to me and how it had made me a stronger person later on in my life but I still hear those negative comments they creep into my mind and stay there taunting me over and over, willing me to giv...