The Anxiety Cycle
Anxiety is a normal thing that every human has, it's actual definition is: A feeling of worry, nervousness or unease about something with an uncertain outcome. But when Anxiety takes over and the worrying, nervous and uneasy feelings become apart of your daily life and even begins to dictate your decisions it can become isolating, painful, and even destructive. People with Aspergers know this feeling all to well and with the aid of the self analysing every moment of your life in overdrive it can become more of a debilitating cycle that if not broken can ruin your life if not addressed properly. Now before you run around the room, with your hands on the side of your head trying not to rip your hair out, the first thing to do is take a step back and breathe. Just one simple thing that can just allow you one little minute of time where you can say to your head STOP! If you want to shout stop out loud then do it , it's whatever...