It's Beginning to Look Like Christmas - A #SurvivalGuide Special

It's that time of year again where we all get to throw the diet out of the window, watch rubbish TV and get to spend time with our family. But for an Aspergers person the preparation for the 'Most Wonderful Time of The Year' can be hell on earth. I actually thank god for internet shopping!!! Just the thought of going into a crowded shopping centre gives me a massive anxiety attack before I walk out of my front door. I love getting people I love gifts, in fact it fills me with joy but at the same time if someone says to me I want to go to the Shopping Centre or Manchester at this time of the year I try my very hardest to get out of going but sometimes that easier said than done! Being in crowds can be stressful and more terrifying than people realise for an Aspergers person. People go a little bit mental - just look at black friday last year in the UK, we nearly killed each other over reduced TV's that would've normally been in t...