I see regularly on social media people and mainly teenagers venting their frustration on their blogs through other well known blogging sites and it worries me to death! Having a degree in media, I was taught the rules of how to use media and mainly that was to promote yourself or a product you've created. But this seems to slip the mind of some people who use them as a journal in a way to map out their life. I'm not saying that using a blog isn't a good way to vent about particular issues that are important to you but what seems to be forgotten is that it's still for the whole world to know and this isn't Jezza (Daytime Show sorry USA) you shouldn't air your dirty laundry in public or attack other people on your blog as it can lead to disastrous consequences. Personally what I was told is that 80% of employers search for you online first before they actually consider taking you on in employment. Now as someone who has various social media accounts I canno...