#Survival Guide Travel Special - Planning Your Perfect Trip!!!

I t's nearly that time of year when we all jet off somewhere or plan to take a road trip to a festival or just to the seaside for a few days. But knowing what you need to do before even thinking of that dream holiday can seem so difficult! As someone with Aspergers Syndrome, like everyone else I want to get away from the everyday and just sit back and relax. Usually with holidays the simplest route would be to just go away at home rather than another country. Instead of having to deal with security, airports in general and then actually have to sit on the plane for so many hours trapped with other people you don't know and no escape route when it all becomes to much to bare can seem a complete waste of time. But believe me all that suffering and all the energy that goes into keeping yourself calm will be all be worth it when you feel the heat from the sun, the sand between your toes and knowing that you can see and experience another culture and way of...