#The Handbook: Learning to Love and Respect Yourself

Loving and respecting yourself is an important thing, it's something that you keep developing as you grow as a person but it is the foundations to who you are and helps you to understand who you are as a person inside and out! Being confident and comfortable with who you are mentally and physically resonates from within yourself and then outwards to others around you, this includes how you feel about being an Autistic person. There is no such thing as 'perfect', the media and society want you to strive and aspire to be perfect but lets face it, if everyone was perfect then life would be ultimately boring! Being classed as not good enough has a negative effect on your mental health which then knocks onto your physical health and the way you perceive yourself is vitally important and it isn't for everyone else around you it's actually only for you and you alone. I know this from experience, from negative labels being placed on me because I didn't fi...