#Survival Guide: PMT, Hormones and Periods - Aspergers Girls Worse Enemy!

It's no secret that we all have Periods, apparently it's the 'most natural thing in the world' a girl can experience and is a symbol of finally becoming a woman! What they don't tell you in your handy health class is that your boobs feel like the size of bowling balls and are sensitive or tender, your stomach feels like it's in a vice and your back constantly aches, Bloating and feeling Fatter than normal and if all that wasn't bad enough prepare yourself for crying at any given time, feeling depressed and moody and just generally craving anything sweet, deep fried or covered in loads of chocolate. Periods are somewhat a taboo subject even now in the 21st century, it's something to do with the fact that people really don't want to understand or even acknowledge that blood comes from the intimate area of your body every single month with or without warning. The best representation of what a period can do to you! They arrive with th...