#TheQuittingDairies: Stress, Neighbours from Hell and Handy Tips & Tricks

This Weekend has been a challenge... Stress and anxiety are the main enemies that I have had to face as well as dealing with the new neighbours from hell. I've managed to be good, cutting to 2-3 cigs a day and using my trusty friend the inhalator and chewing gum to avoid cravings /replace a cigarette and have been still using the patches as well. The problems started on Sunday, it was a Bank Holiday Weekend in the UK which means we don't have to go to work on Monday and plus it was extremely sunny and hot so sitting in the garden reading was perfect until the new neighbour decided he wanted to host what I can only describe to be a rave from 3pm to 2am in the morning! Before you think I'm being a party pooper, it was a professional PA with Decks plus a microphone and baring in mind I have Sensory Processing Disorder* and anxiety I was in that twilight zone between being able to cope or having a raging meltdown, and to deal with said emot...