Opening Old Wounds - Painful Memories and the Positives of Revisiting Them

Some memories are just too painful to revisit There are memories that are just to hard to bare for whatever reason they are locked away in a secure part of your mind never to see the light of day - like Pandora's box it should never be opened. But what happens when you are ready to open up to some of these memories and look at them in a different way? This is something that I've had to do recently, it's been ten years since I was able to explore memories of when I was really ill in great detail without the aid of old journals or clouded by medication. A lot has changed since I was fifteen and I've achieved a lot since then but since carry around all the painful emotions and memories associated with that time. I've written about my mental health and how as a teen I was gravely ill, much more than I actually realised at the time. In a way my teenage self was deluding herself into thinking that I was fine, that this was just a blip and that I would b...