#SurvivalGuide - Exams

Exams can be a nightmare! The amount of pressure placed on your shoulders can become almost overwhelming to the point of breaking into little pieces on the floor! But before you lose control and break down into a crying ball on the floor, I have some handy ways to cancel out all the pain and heartbreak that comes from taking exams! Once you know you have a block week of either mock or the real exams these symptoms seem to appear as if from nowhere: sleepless nights painful and sometimes scary panic attacks sweaty palms brain blackouts Can all occur as if from nowhere. The notion of all normal behaviour seems to go out of the window as you wind yourself up more and more until you completely either implode or explode! I know how difficult it can be to take exams even if it doesn't matter about the outcome (although dropping a set in Maths can be humiliating!) turns you into a mess. So don't fear as I have collated some...