#Survival Guide - Friends and College

In High School knowing what the true meaning of friendship is wrong... in College where everyone is a little bit more mature and also knows themselves as a person you can meet some truly wonderful people. My social life was at it's best when I was at college and my Aspergers was only apart of me to the friends I had made. I was accepted for being who I was and not for masking. Lucky for me I still keep in touch and get tweets from friends saying they need a hug at 1am on a saturday! The popularity pyramid or Scale has gone out of the window. For the first time being a misfit isn't on your list of social problems when you click with the right set of people who accept you for who you are as a person. You feel more comfortable in your own skin and also you get to go on long dinner breaks (*Cough* PUB!) as well as messing around in lessons and going on some amazing nights out where being a fool is perfectly fine because your friends love you just the way you are. ...