Do Aspergers People really like to be Home Alone?

Aspergers comes with some odd advantages and also some awful disadvantages. Being socially awkward or not being able to communicate with other people has left us with this stigma of being the introverted, unsocial and slightly odd/ strange characters that are often portrayed in Dramas on TV. This is further from the truth, I know AS people with healthy social lives and loads of friends but sometimes being over stimulated from lights, sounds and even the amount of people in a room or space that we have to share with other people can make us seem distant and want to go back to safe or comfort zone. Other problems such as Separation Anxiety and being left on our own can be just as difficult. The people who you live with may they be flatmates or carers do have lives themselves and no matter how selfish you feel for wanting them to stay, they sometimes need to trust you to look after yourself while they are away. It could be a few...