When Life Gives You Lemons...

The old saying when Life gives you Lemons... You make Lemonade is something that sometimes annoys the hell out of me but it's a great way of dealing with negativity and change. I know there is method to my madness, this saying comes out of the woodwork when something goes wrong in your life and the person who says it to you hopes to themselves that you take the positive out of it rather than wanting to scream at them in a mid meltdown. The whole reason I titled this blog with this saying is because this is happening to me right now in my personal life where I thought i'd figured out my career and then suddenly I'm hit with a sequence of events that make me think do I really want to pursue this adding in all the variables and factors? Therefore I've been given the hypothetical Lemons and at the moment trying to make Lemonade from them, how I don't know at the moment but all the skills I have learnt from my life so far might help in making changes. ...