#Survival Guide Special : Dealing with Anxiety and Grief

Anxiety is normal when it comes to daily life living with Aspergers, but when you add in other factors in life your anxiety level can rise without you even realising it. Usually anxiety can be managed with simple techniques/strategies that you have already put in place. But when life throws you a situation that you have never dealt with before and add in emotional factors how do you cope? This is what I am facing right now, dealing with a death in the family and the emotional fall out of it all whilst trying to keep my anxiety and more importantly my Aspergers under control at the same time not to mention dealing with the family aspect of it all which can cause some difficulties. To an outsider it might seem selfish to just focus on just your emotions or how you feel and cope with this difficult time but as a Aspergers person it's a fine balance between having a break down and causing more anxiety and stress to those closest to us or dealing with it in the ...