
Showing posts from November 23, 2014

Self Image and Confidence Issues

The title suggests a lot of questions that are all about LOOKS and WEIGHT as well as other social stigmas that have seemed to become highlighted on a daily basis in the world obsessed with how it looks.  But as someone with Aspergers, the pressure to look good is I have found not to please others but at the moment to please myself. As a teenager, I was always self critiquing my figure, looks and weight comparing myself to other girls in my year group and the celebrities and pop stars, movie starlets  and well everyone else on the bloody planet. I never thought I was good enough and looking back I mainly think that was to do with my depression which is something us Aspie girls cannot hide from but unfortunately the self critiquing would not go away. As a girl you always want to look your best! That can mean different things to different people but back when I was younger I dressed the way I wanted and hoped to god to be accepted which at that point in time I shouldn't had b...