When The Mask Slips Off

It can be difficult in Social Situations to engage and interact with the people you work, socialise and live with. Many of us use the technique of Masking, which in a sense is copying 'Normal" behaviour but in social situations if the trusty mask slips it can be the most awkward thing in the world and misread by your friends, work colleagues and even to some degree family. We've all seen many TV programmes now integrating Autistic Characters into their dramas and comedies with the most popular being Sheldon off The Big Bang Theory, but as per usual there hasn't been a development of Autistic girls in TV programmes due to the lack of awareness and also because when it comes to performing extreme autistic characteristics in forms of behaviour there is a lot more documentation on Males with Aspergers and Autism in general. Which in a way is ironic, but aside from this Masking is something that I sometimes feel girls do more effectively ...