#Survival Guide - Choosing Your GCSE's

Knowing what you want to do in your future doesn't really come into play until you leave High School for good! But in Year 9 suddenly everyone expects you to know what you want to do in a matter of a year and it's for a very simple reason.. It's GCSE Decision Time!! Now GCSE Options can be altogether the most confusing thing you do in your adolescent life! Not only are you expected to know what you want to do as a career which seems a life time away from your 14 year old self.. who might be still getting over the fact that Zayn is no longer a member of One Direction! But you need to make that decision as soon as possible! Knowing what you enjoy is one of the key things in choosing your core subjects - every school is different and might require you to do more than the expected Core Subjects recommended in the curriculum. Your Core Subjects are as follows: English Language and Literature Maths ...