anxiety building up

Just in case you're wondering although I managed to get to a singin lesson and home via Burnley and three buses one of which broke down continuously it didn't bother me. Today on the other hand I'm having a tattoo done which will be my 7th tattoo on my body and I'm literally scared out of my wits! Although I've had three in the most painful places imaginable. So what tips do I have: 1) tell your artist that you're scared This allows you to calm down, you don't need to explain your aspergers at all just say feeling a little scared and you need some time to calm or stop at some point. 2)Take a friend Simple but effective and the first time i'm taking my own advice. This is a new tattooist so I don't know them ... so a friendly face is something I need right now. Other than that I haven't got any more tips as yet... but I do have the design!!