I have to get this out because it is niggling at me and if it continues I might drive myself mad. You might have seen all the publications in the UK press about a certain person who is the most hated woman in Britain at this moment in time but I have to answer to her tweet about the Labour Party leader staring during the Election Debates on TV!! She commented that he looked like he was on the spectrum - meaning the Autistic Spectrum and that he was freaking her out. For those people who are ignorant to Autism this might be funny but to someone who lives with Autism who is already under valued and isolated from Society in general this is something that is hurtful, discriminating and humiliating! So here goes: 1) Autistic People stare because they are trying to deal with too much sensory and social information and cannot process it all at once. Yes we stare and we don't mean to!!! It's a natural coping mechanism to deal with ...