
Showing posts from April 26, 2015


I have to get this out because it is niggling at me and if it continues I might drive myself mad.  You might have seen all the publications in the UK press about a certain person who is the most hated woman in Britain at this moment in time but I have to answer to her tweet about the Labour Party leader staring during the Election Debates on TV!!  She commented that he looked like he was on the spectrum - meaning the Autistic Spectrum and that he was freaking her out.  For those people who are ignorant to Autism this might be funny but to someone who lives with Autism who is already under valued and isolated from Society in general this is something that is hurtful, discriminating and humiliating!  So here goes:  1) Autistic People stare because they are trying to deal with too much sensory and social information and cannot process it all at once.  Yes we stare and we don't mean to!!! It's a natural coping mechanism to deal with ...

#Survival Guide - Get To Know Your Support

Going into any new environment can be tough! I know from experience but there are some amazing Special Needs Support Teams just waiting to help you in your studies.  In this Survival Guide post it's all about understanding that the people who will make sure you get all the right support put in place for you are not your Enemies but in fact your Friends.  Whether you are studying A-Levels or even doing a BTEC Course you will have a lovely person to help you get through the mountain of course work and make sure you are happy in your studies. I was lucky when I went to college as I had the best Special Needs Support team in the world right behind me. From the TA's in class to the best ever Head of Learning Support who would make sure I had the best experience of College I deserved. When you first apply for any course, you will be asked do you have any additional needs which is then sent onto the Special Needs Team. And as I have said before when you go and visit sa...

Letter To Normal

To Everyone, You think you may know me but you don't , you only see the outer layer of myself ... the 'Acting Normal' side that nods, smiles and agrees with you even if I don't have a clue what you are talking about!  There is a side that no one see's.   Underneath  my outer shell is something that consists of : Fear Anger Confusion Unease  Insecurity  Frustration Loneliness  To name just a few. And dealing with all these emotions and still have to function normally is difficult and I struggle every single minute or the day!  Life is not easy, I live second by second rather than day by day and although this may seem irrational or illogical to you it is normal to me.  Anything can happen in less than a second!  So when you ignore me or do something that wouldn't bother you .. or hurt you... it hurts and bothers me.  I have no self esteem at times .. I come to the worse case option before the rules of the game are explained to me....