#SurvivalGuide - The University Decision

University of Salford Campus Media City! My old Home from Home! To go to University or not? Is one of the biggest decisions you will make when you are at College. Since Leaving High School your only focus was on furthering what your favourite subjects were at School, but with University it's time to think about the future in the long term. The questions about what Career you would like to have and in what field all becomes apparent as well as taking on the biggest financial decisions you will make. Don't be alarmed as there are steps you can take to make sure that you know what you want to do when you do truly decide that University is right for you. You don't have to make a decision right away but always have it in the back of your mind for when your lecturer finally asks you about applying for university. University is a massive step for any Aspergers person to take and shouldn't be taken lightly. There are other things to worry about beside...