Confirmation of Operation - How to deal with something you know you have no control over Part 1

I explained I have been in and out of hospital for the last few weeks with my gallbladder, and I'm trying not to the think about it because otherwise it hurts for no reason but I have to tell you what happened today.

So I was happily watching my favourite Anime series when I'd just got comfortable underneath my leopard print blanket on the couch when my phone begins to buzz. Now normally if it's a number I don't recognise I just leave it but I knew the area code and then the light bulb event happened and it could only mean one thing.  I was quite confident when I answered the call and a lovely and somewhat cheery woman said we have a date for your operation.

The first two things that were running through my head were:

  1. Sheer panic 
  2. Lets see when it is! 
I'm not the best on phones and I'm even worse with Doctors and especially hospitals. And I'm not alone with the hatred for them as I know that loads of people are scared of them and really we all want to avoid them.  But since a bit of my body isn't working and if it isn't dealt with then I could get an infection so either way i'm going to have to get rid of it and the only way to that which isn't as painful to me is to put me to sleep (positively thinking i'm getting a few hours sleep free on the NHS and a week or 2 in bed doing nothing!) and get thing out with minimal damage.

But the part of my brain that constantly thinks and doesn't shut up and the anxiety bit of it is starting to put doubts into my head. So in a timeline, next tuesday apart from seeing my favourite band in a exclusive film that is about the tour they have just done merging with another band.
Still not very comfortable with this change Mcfly ... learning to get used to Mcbusted slowly!

I have my Pre-op assessment which basically means I'm going to be used as a pin cushion with blood being analysed and taken out of me + blood pressure and normal stats. Waiting around for an hour for the results and being prodded and poked once again by a consultant.
First little Tip: 
Consultants are still human beings and are highly stressed and seeing a lot of people. Now sometimes they don't read your whole medical history and may not know that you are in fact autistic and that the way your feeling mentally  might be their concern after all they are only interested in the physical problem. Calmly just slip in that you have Aspergers, if they are grumpy one then you might get an ok but at least you've explained what you have and maybe they'll take it on board before they begin prodding and poking around. 
If you feel uncomfortable as always say stop! You have the right to because at the end of the day it's your body!

The same thing can be when you have blood tests. In my experience nurses are nice and understanding and do take your mind off the fact that you are having a needle jammed into your veins and blood is coming out of you.
Blood tests can be difficult to deal with so handy little things I do to help me are: 

  1. Breath deeply in a regular pattern: I know it sounds stupid of simple but if you concentrate on your breathing rather than what is happening then you'll feel calmer. 
  2. Ask to be laid down: If you are laid down you're far more likely to relax, also you don't feel as much pain as you are more comfortable. Also staring at the ceiling works to take your mind off things. 
  3. Humming a tune or thinking of something that makes you happy: Distracting the brain is the most easiest thing to do. In my case my favourite member of the band I like pops into my head and then i'm away. Also sometimes I think about a song and then hum it in my head. If you want to out loud then thats ok. 
When it comes to the operation, i can't really give out any handy tips as yet as I haven't been through it. I know I might need someone impartial to talk to about it to prepare me for it. But I might have to pay for that as I have no help from the organisation that is supposed to help me. I'm going to have to try again I think.

Anyway enough of that... I'm going to try and Vlog soon as the camera came!!!!!

Sophie xxxx


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