It's Beginning to Look Like Christmas - A #SurvivalGuide Special

It's that time of year again where we all get to throw the diet out of the window, watch rubbish TV and get to spend time with our family. 

But for an Aspergers person the preparation for the 'Most Wonderful Time of The Year' can be hell on earth. 

I actually thank god for internet shopping!!! 

Just the thought of going into a crowded shopping centre gives me a massive anxiety attack before I walk out of my front door. 

I love getting people I love gifts, in fact it fills me with joy but at the same time if someone says to me I want to go to the Shopping Centre or Manchester at this time of the year I try my very hardest to get out of going but sometimes that easier said than done! 

Being in crowds can be stressful and more terrifying than people realise for an Aspergers person.

 People go a little bit mental - just look at black friday last year in the UK, we nearly killed each other over reduced TV's that would've normally been in the January sales anyway.

The point is that maybe instead of panicking about Christmas and the shopping maybe we should utilise our nature powers of planning and forward thinking to make sure that we get everything we need without getting caught up in the mad dash to get everything on the same day with a thousand other people. 

So what do you do to stop being caught up in a shopping centre listening to christmas songs on a loop until you go insane? 

1) Buy Presents online!
It's easier than trundling around the shops, no bus fare, no crowds and more importantly everything is delivered to your home! Think about what you want to get and shop around as well, I've noticed that online prices are cheaper than they are in the store. 
A little tip with Online Shopping: 
Get your presents earlier than you normally would because delivery dates may vary and you might be sending your loved one a 'I owe You' as the gift might not be in stock or shipped from overseas and won't arrive until after the festive season. Also check your prices and look out for sales. Amazon does do some sales before christmas including their Black Friday events- there are bargains to be had!!! 

2) If you need to go to the High Street, Plan Ahead!
I harp on about Planning I know it's annoying, but honestly if you know certain days are going to be mentally busy and you want to avoid them then select a quieter day thats right for you.  Plan how much money you need to spend and budget and don't spend over that budget!! Also think about who you are buying for and what they would really like. If you can get it cheaper and earlier on in the year then do it!!!
 At this time of year again the earlier you start the less chance you are to be caught up in the craziness of christmas shopping!! I'd say going during the week or a sunday earlier on (between 1st-10th December) is the best option if you have time, I know that people work and going out to the shops is only possible on the weekends but try to avoid bigger towns and cities and shop closer to home. Anything you can't find ... look at tip 1 above! 

3) Use your Coping Strategies if it's busy! 
Again I harp on about it and I apologise but honestly you can never not have too many coping strategies to help you deal with stressful situations. MP3 Players are the best thing ever, you can block out noise that you don't like, and don't have to suffer with Christmas songs all day (Sales Assistants I salute you!). If you need to take a break then it might be worth sitting down somewhere in cafe or even on a bench and have five minutes to yourself before trying to wrestle your way through the crowds. If it all gets to much it's time to stop and go home!!! 

4) Buy Local
If there is a great boutique or antiques shop that has amazing gifts at reasonable prices that are unique and perfect for people who love something different. You're also helping your local area and boosting trade which is great! I love Charity Shops as well as they are some amazing stuff that no one wants at really low prices!!! Having a scout around at different places, you'll be surprised what you can find when you don't go to a chain store!! 

5) Don't panic! 
It's easy to get swept up in the panic mode at this time of the year with all the adverts on TV and in magazines saying you need to buy this now!!! There is plenty of time!!! Don't worry as it's not worth stressing over. Relax and breath, if you can't get a present now.. .get it in the sales when it's cheaper!!! Also surprise late christmas gifts are awesome!!! 

6) And FINALLY .... Relax! 
It's the festive season, it's a time to see loved ones and catch up with old friends ... eat a little bit to much and if you are over the ages or 18 (UK) or 21 (USA) have a little tipple now and again before the diets come out in January and you kiss your money goodbye on that gym membership that you'll use maybe once or twice. 
Enjoy yourself!!!!! 

We are ten days away from Christmas!!! I hope all of you have a lovely time and enjoy yourselves and spread some Aspie Love and Joy this year!!!! 


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