The Doctors

It can be the worst thing in the world to have to go to your local doctors for any person but there is something about Doctors and Aspergers that doesn't mix.

By now it seems that I should be able to cope in a busy surgery without batting an eyelid but for some reason I can still feel my skin crawl and hands beginning to shake as soon as i step out of the lift into the waiting area. 

Volumes of people in a confined space is one thing I hate all sickness going around as well then on top is the numerous conversations going on around me. Right now i'm sat in a waiting room with my headphones in. 
The trick is to make sure again your MP3 player is fully charged and you have some tunes on that may not relax  but just blur out some of the noise! 

Keep your eye on the notifications boards as this will notify of you of the doctor wanting to see you.

If you can't sit in a Waiting Room 

I know that the waiting room is a problem, I hate it but... you can go to the reception desk and ask to sit somewhere more quiet if you wish to. Yes it might be a slight problem to the actual doctors but usually they know about your condition (as it'll be on your medical records) and will accommodate you. I have done this in the past. They will put a note on the system saying that the doctor will have to come and find you and that you are a bit anxious. Something that will help you get through the appointment will be the fact that you haven't been distracted by everything around you or getting more stressed. 

I'm anxious about speaking to a doctor about my medical problems, or I forget what I need to tell them: 

If you are anxious about speaking to a doctor about a medical problem, sometimes it can be embarrassing to speak to them about something private. You can request to see doctors or nurses you know well, new doctors can be a stressful situation and really new people aren't our friends. Someone who knows your medical history or you feel safe with or trust can be better in these situations, always ask or insist to see someone you know, and don't feel scared about it. 

 If you feel like you're going to forget my top tip is MAKE A LIST! 
Yes it sounds simple, but it can help you structure what you need to say and what points you need to make at the time in that appointment.  I have done this when i've seen the doctors in the past and it has helped me get over what I want out of the appointment apart from a prescription.

Blood Tests 
Everyone has some sort of phobia of needles and I know that blood tests can be the worst. Depending on the person you are, sometimes if you feel like you're not in control of the situation (which in the case of taking blood) you need to make yourself comfortable. Again  the MP3 player might be your best option. If you don't like the sight of blood look away, if you are not bothered and want to keep an eye on what the nurse is doing if it makes you feel better. You don't have to always look away if you don't want to. 

I know that doctors are scary and that it can be an uncomfortable experience but maybe these little tips might help you. 


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