# SurvivalGuide - Managing Homework

Homework can be a bore and a challenge! You've already crammed enough information into your brain for the day and then your teacher gives you what seems to be too much work to do when you get home. 

Although it may seem unfair you have to do your homework and the excuse of the 'Dog Ate It' isn't going to work because lets face it.. teachers have heard it all before! 

I know Joey.. it's ok! 
But never fear as with all my survival guides, I have some handy little tips to make sure you'll complete and do your homework in no time.

Homework can seem like a chore! 

I know from experience that whenever the 'H' word was mentioned in class right up to University, everyone would suddenly all in unison groan and roll their eyes at the thought of doing more work on top of writing essays and practical work.

The thing about Homework with everything else to do with School is all about remembering what you have been taught in lesson and proving that you can understand the information given to you. 

One of the things that I found difficult at school was dealing with my anxiety and the pressures of getting around school which is enough to deal with on it's own but when it comes to the end of the school day all I wanted to do is relax, have some food and then go to sleep!!!

I was one of those kids who would do their homework in their bedroom and then pass out on the floor from exhaustion. I'm not kidding my mum thought I was dead when she walked in my room to find me actually laid on the floor fast asleep. I didn't even make it to my bed. 

One of the first things I'd recommend about managing  homework is: 

Note down how much homework you have and what days they are supposed to be handed in. 
If your school is anything like mine was (shock horror I'm being positive about them for a change!) they will provide you with a Homework Planner! 


I know it sounds like I'm nagging but I'm not honestly. I made that mistake of never writing in what I needed to do for my homework and was completely lost when it came to actually doing it! 

We all have Dory moments!
Homework can seem to be not important and sometimes you are so desperate to get out of the lesson that you don't write all the information down. Or sometimes you will be given more than one lessons worth of homework that day and there was not much space to write what needed to be done!! 

Before you begin to panic, you can always ask your teacher to repeat what they have just said. Especially with Dyslexia, writing down information can be a slow process and you forget things instantly! 

Top Tip Number 2: 

If you need to do your Homework over the weekend - please do it! 

I hated this, but sometimes doing your homework on a Saturday or Sunday has to be done. Making the sacrifice between having fun or watching TV can save you from Detention! Sometimes knowing that during the week your energy levels can be at their lowest and curling up in bed may be the best option for you at that time means that sometimes Homework gets put off. 

Doing it the day it's due in on the bus is not the best thing in world believe me as by this point you've forgotten what you had to do and if it's a language lesson's homework it's going to be even more difficult than normal! 

Top Tip Number 3: 

If in Doubt - Google IT! 

Google is your best friend, as whatever you type in, it'll always give you the answer you are looking for! 

Don't use Wikipedia - it can be edited and the information will be wrong!!! TRUST ME!!! 

I have always used google for one thing or the other! As I got older and learning in a higher educational setting I needed to find citations and journals amongst other types of media to help me with my essays. Google Scholar is brilliant for those sorts of things and I will cover those as we move up into College/University territory. 

Little Tip: 
 Get used to referencing your work at an early stage. It'll help you later on in your educational life. A Bibliography and referencing quotes (it's posh term is called Harvard Referencing) can get you more marks in your work and homework!!! Don't worry about Harvard Referencing I'll explain it later on in the Survival Guide Series. 

Top Tip Number 4: 

If you need help doing your Homework - don't be afraid to ask your parents or friends! 

I mention this in the Exams Blog post. 
Having people to help doesn't mean you're are stupid and to be perfectly honest with you, a little bit of help once in a while can take the pressure off you. 
If someone is good at one subject and you're better at another- sharing information is the best thing to do. Although Don't let them copy your homework! 

Final Tip: 

Don't worry about homework. In the grand scheme of things it's just for your teachers to see if you have understood what you have been taught. It's also to gage whether you need to go up a class or be moved down. 
In the grand scheme of things - Homework as you move further up the educational ladder becomes assignments that actually are the work you do in class and it's your choice to do as much work as possible in College/university or do more when at home. 

I used to write essays until 3am in the morning as I work better at night! Although I don't recommend you do that!!!! 

I hope this Blog post has helped. 



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