Insomnia and Aspergers- Two Peas in A Pod

We all experience sleepless nights now and again for one reason or another, but with Aspergers it becomes a regular routine leading to Insomnia. 

As you prepare to go to bed, you feel like your mind is still thinking about things that shouldn't be there like:
What you need to do tomorrow? 
Did I lock the door? 
Do I have any homework or assignments? 

The questions can be about anything and they will run through head to the point where you will not get the thoughts out of your head and so sleep becomes a distance memory or a luxury. I can't sleep now... but I have had Insomnia in the past that was awful with night tremors thrown in for good measure. 

Insomnia and me: 
When I was a teenager I was addicted to caffeine products like your basic energy drink and pro plus tablets. The reason I was hooked on them in the first place was down to the fact that I couldn't sleep due to stress at school and would have recurring night tremors that made me have panic attacks in my sleep. I was in a bad way.
On a good night I  would get maybe 2-3 hours sleep after tossing and turning in bed for most of the night on a bad night 1 hour was my maximum limit for sleep. This effected me in my daily life with getting up before 6am and setting off for school at 7am in the morning I was Shattered. I would be able to function but only in auto mode, I would go through the motions every morning when I woke up. 
It wasn't until  I had my first bottle of Lucozade that I felt awake and that was my breakfast every morning. When I got to near school I used to go to the local supermarket and get my daily provisions of :
A bottle of red bull
A packet of pro plus tablets 

This was my daily intake of food and drink everyday which I hid from my mum for a while until I left school and I was so hooked on the stuff i used to drink 10 cans of red bull a day! I had to force myself to come off them after it got so bad that i hardly slept and my health was gradually getting worse. The doctor did prescribe me sleeping tablets to help me go to sleep after trying everything I could down the herbal and holistic routes. 

This Included:
Taking a long hot bath with Lavender oil in it.
Reading a book 
Watching TV until I fell asleep 
Counting sheep in my head 

 Nothing worked , the only solution was to come off the energy drinks and the pro plus tablets which I did and it nearly killed me. But in the long run it has helped me to get 7-8 hours sleep rather than 2 hours! 

Insomnia is a real problem but doctors will always try to give you the non medication approach to not sleeping, tiring your body out is a good way to go to sleep, and mentally tiring yourself and staying away from over stimulating your brain so video games and things that are a source of light are a no no. 
Reading or listening to relaxing music can help make you go to sleep. Expressing any worries or stresses you may have will have as you will release what you are scared about. Meditation is another good way to try and go to sleep as you naturally will turn your mind off. 
Medication is always a last resort, eating food before bed can also keep you awake so avoid that but a hot milky drink can make you sleepy, so girls you can treat yourself to a hot chocolate before bed. 

Everyone is different so some techniques i have suggested may not work but give them a try when you are restless or trying to go to sleep. Avoid getting frustrated and focus your mind to relax. It's hard but you can do it!! 

Well I have to go to bed myself 

Night night and sweet dreams..... 

Sophie x


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