Obsessions and Aspergers- It's Normal!

We all have Obsession, it's a coping thing that we have, we latch onto to something that we love and it becomes apart of us.

Meet My Obsession:
Say Hello to the band Mcfly, tomorrow i'm going to London and they are the reason!!!
Now I'm not going into detail about every band member individually but I can tell you I know their full names, Where they were Born, What year and month they were born and Name Parents and Siblings from memory. I also know them inside and out personality wise and adore them.

Back in 2003, This band had just come out and I remember that I not only fell head over heals with the music but the band themselves. They made me laugh, they were just 4 normal lads in a band and that down to earth approach which they still have today has made me still love them and defend them forever. It also opened up my social life as I found friends through the band and would consider them to be the best friends I've ever had. When i'm sad I put them on and instantly feel happier and I've even had the chance to meet them twice. They are the best thing to happen to me and I will always love them for ever!!!!

They are my main obsession and if they ever broke up i'd be distraught to say the least but I know that will never happen! Although they've done separate projects away from the band they will never break up.

Meeting my favourite band: 

Me and Danny
Me with Harry
I've met them twice like I said before, I joined their website and became a Pioneer, I was one of 20,000 people to sign up when the site launched back in 2010. Before that I could only dream of having any such contact with the band so for me meeting them was a dream come true, but at the same time a challenge with being AS I actually froze the first time and couldn't talk, I was wide eyed and shaking even taking pictures with two members of the band. One made me feel at ease... Danny (The one on the far left of the picture above) he's from the same part of England as me so when I came round to see him I was still in complete shut down mode. Danny signed a picture for me and made me laugh and then gave me a cuddle before having a picture with him. And that made me feel ten times better as I knew that he actually cared about me and to have that interaction with someone you love completely was amazing. The Drummer Harry ( To the right of centre in the picture) just held me in his arms as I couldn't move or speak and it was a loving cuddle that he gave me. That meet and greet was in 2011 in Manchester and I cried all the way home afterwards as I couldn't believe that I was in a room and was able to interact with them... I also remembered that I had touched Danny's bum which made me blush!  
Me with Dougie
The second time was in 2012 and I hadn't managed to meet the other two members of the band the bassist and other lead guitarist Tom  so I made sure that I went to them first. The thing is I have a massive crush on Dougie... I love him with all my heart and I know tomorrow will be really emotional for me as Dougie I reckon is Aspie he just doesn't know it yet!!!  I actually spoke this time which was a miracle because again I was completely in awe at the guys. 

Dougie and Tom are really nice as well ... Dougie was just stood there cracking jokes about Poop and Boobs (he's a baby at heart) and Tom was kind and he rested his chin on my head as I'm that small. But for the band to actual take time to meet the fans is a really special thing.

Me and TOM!!!! 

I didn't act like I was AS, I was masking the fact that I was AS and that really shouldn't happen as I felt that I was in a safe and comfortable environment with the band but those two occassions did overwhelm me and I had to calm down.

I've seen them 13 times now and this will be my second time tomorrow. Some people say i'm a crazy fan ... but i'm not i'm apart of a whole group of people that love them as much as I do and when i'm not geeking out to films or watching friends and saying their lines before the characters say it I'm actually just in my room with the band on shuffle singing along like I did when I was 12 years old. It's been 10 years of my life and I will never ever forget what they mean to me.

Having an obsession is perfectly fine if it helped you cope with day to day things that would otherwise worry you or make you upset. They can be whatever you want and be proud that your obsession is apart of who you are and maybe there are people out there that have the same interests in the same thing.


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