Having a Down Day

I know this is not what you want to read on a blog that is supposed to be able to support AS girls but today I am just in one of those Down Days where everything annoys me or upsets me.

It is that time of the month which have something to do with it, but I just wanted to Blog about it because I have Highs and Lows and today my mood is at the  low/medium end of the Low point which means that i'm not depressed but i'm just not feeling myself.

I do have ways in which to cope with this, which is to distract myself from how i'm feeling and try to cheer myself up which is a hard task at the moment. Tomorrow i'm off to London and I should be really excited about it but somehow i'm not ... I'm not excited and i'm going to see my favourite band for the 13th time. I feel isolated and alone and I think that may be down to the fact that I just feel lost at the moment with my life. 

I'm at the point where I don't know which direction i'm headed and thats making me so afraid, although I don't plan things way into the future, I do like stability and I feel like I haven't got that at the moment. Life and Aspergers doesn't always work well together ... and sometimes fighting for everything is pointless but I still pick myself up and dust myself down and get on with it because if I stop I won't be able to carry on anymore. 

People with Aspergers do suffer with Depression and Anxiety and I have had Depression for 10 years now since I started High School and also had a death in the family that was painful for me to go through. The Anxiety has always been there I think that it's naturally programmed into us from the minute are born.

I think the point of this post is to show that if you feel the same way as I do, you're not alone. I know how it feels to have these days and I've had darker days than this before. I think the best thing in this situation is to vocalise it or try to explain it as it is a difficult thing to do and usually I write in a journal and get everything off my chest instead of keeping it locked inside myself until I can't hold it anymore and I literally blow up and become mental! It also helps me make sense of what the issue is .... and how to combat these issues. Also reading your journals back can help as you can see how far you've come and how proud you should be.

I'm shaking writing this as I never share something like this with no one ... not even my mum knows how I feel ... so here goes.

Sophie x


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