New Year : New You- Without The Complicated Resolutions!!!
So it's time to say goodbye to 2015 and hello to 2016. For most people this means a brand new start over with the resolutions that only last through January at best!
Whether you love the turn of a new year or not it is going to happen and there is nothing you can do about the pressure of committing to the idea of New Years Resolutions.

But don't get pressured into the New Years Resolutions!
You know what they are by now and you also know that everyone around them makes them and gives up on them by mid to late January at best due to the fact they made them to difficult or just because they got bored of them.
Instead of getting sucked into the mayhem and madness, enjoy the last days of the christmas break with the people you love and eat a lot of bad food you are entitled to that and if over the age of 18 (21 for my American readers) get a little bit merry and have a giggle with the ones you love before thinking about what changes you want to make for the next year.
The reason I can not stand making New Years Resolutions is because people with Aspergers Syndrome don't like change and also because our lives are so unpredictable that promising to go to the gym and get fit isn't an ideal promise to make let alone keep!

Instead of making short term promises that you can't manage or keep, make a little plan of all the things you would like to do in 2016 as a whole and take baby steps towards that goal.
It might be going to University and studying a subject you are passionate about but have been to afraid to do in the past.
Whatever the reason for holding you back the first step is to tell yourself that you are good enough. I read so many statuses online saying "I want to" or "I wish I did" and it pains me to see that rather than trying to reach that goal, people have given up on that usually due to finances but also because of fear or lack of self confidence.
I'm not a saint, I have been rubbish with resolutions and also with making a change in my life. I am getting to grips with my anxiety which is a slow process but it also makes life a little bit more challenging at the best of times. As someone with Aspergers the challenges that we might face seem small to the person on the outside but on the inside we are ruled by paranoia, anxiety and self doubt.
Combatting the underlying mental battles and struggles we might face open up the world to the opportunities that we deserve rather than sticking to the same routine over and over again.
"In a world where autism and what it means to be autistic is still largely either misunderstood and even not understood the battle can mainly be not only with you inner self but also with others who come in contact with you."
People do not understand what advantages having an autistic person can bring and how they way we see and live in this world with numerous strategies to problems that maybe would not have been thought of as a solution if it not for your input.
I always say be proud of yourself whether it be a tiny or simple achievement, although it may be insignificant to others it is a significant step in the right direction for you.
Even if you don't make any resolutions this year that would be seen as acceptable of interesting to others, make them personal to you. It seems complicated at the moment but trust me if you do everything in steps and take your time you'll find that in the long run you will be still keeping those promises to yourself far longer than everyone else.
1) Don't get sucked into the 'Resolution' fan fair:
If you don't want to make any resolutions that don't do it. Believe me it's better to do things in your own time rather than being forced to do because it's new years! People actually think it's acceptable to put pressure on people that they don't know to make resolutions. Usually it is down to the fact that they are feeling insecure about their own resolutions and want to hear what everyone else is doing.
2) If you make your own resolutions- break them down:
We all have seen the statuses on the first of January, they are inspirational messages saying that they will be different by this time next year. Come the end of January they comment:
"Hahah NOT!"
Don't go in all guns blazing! Make sure you break everything down into small manageable steps that suit you and make you feel comfortable. If you've reached your little step early move on. You decide how you manage goals and how many steps you want to take.
3) Try to budget:

4) Don't tell others your promises to yourself:
People can be competitive at the best of times but when it comes to this time of year everyone judges your resolutions as soon as they come out of your mouth. This isn't because your goals and promises to yourself are stupid it's because someone might not have thought about it or wished they had the guts to challenge themselves to do something different. Don't worry about what other people think about who you are. You are you and no one can make you change that.
Whatever you do tonight make sure you have a good time and welcome in the New Year with the excitement of a new beginning!
I hope that 2016 brings everyone of my readers what they want and that we all achieve something positive whether it be big or small.
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