A Hello from me!!!

Hi there!!!

Welcome to the Aspergers girl guide... this blog is for all the girls out there who have AS and are finding it hard to cope with everyday life.

I know how it feels to be an AS girl and to be honest it is most of the time a challenge to say the least with people who just don't get you!

This blog will hopefully help you with these worries and struggles and help combat the issues you face in everyday life.

I must say that I was pretty nervous to actually make this blog as I don't really speak openly about my AS with people over the internet only with people who ask me or when I have to explain what it is to people who are unaware about this condition. I know what it is like to be Aspergers and still go through everyday life and trying to fit in as even being a 'normal' (or what could be considered as normal) girl is difficult without the added bonus of a special (and it is special) gift of Aspergers.

This blog is also here to support not only girls with the condition but parents to, my mum (Rachel) will answer Parent's questions on how to deal with an AS girl/teen and well lets say i've put her through hell so parents she will understand!!!

For me it is lovely to actually open up about my condition and also share with you what I have been through and how to combat these issues and hopefully make the world a little bit easier for you!!!!



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