#TheQuittingDairies: Positivity, Exercise and Inhalators

The Last Two Weeks have been a series of anxiety, cravings and stress. 

I've made positive changes and stuck to my goal to quit, although I haven't put any pressure on myself to achieve this in a set amount of time I can no see a smoke free me. 

Told you the Inhalator looked strange!
I have a new addition to the stop smoking battle as I've literally just come back from the doctors and had a chat about my progress and feeling slightly more better about the whole thing. 

The one problem that I've been facing is the issue of idle hands, I have been sticking to using my gum and although that has been working, I'm missing the sensation of holding something in my hands. 

It's a very tactile thing smoking and although you still get the release of nicotine through the patches and from the gum sometimes you miss the sensation of actually smoking physically. 

So to combat this I have an inhalator, it looks strange but it is discreet and does the same job as a cigarette but you don't inhale, instead you let the nicotine replacement circulate around your mouth so that the nicotine can then be absorbed. 

I'm only smoking 3-4 times a day where as I would be into my 4th cig of the day so i'm getting better. 

I'm also recognising that my anxiety is getting worse as i'm in withdrawal, but combatting it using other coping strategies.

I'm trying to focus my attention on something other than wanting to smoke. 

I haven't tried Hypnosis yet although considering it as an option but I have been telling myself: 

"I am a strong and confident woman who does not need to smoke!" 

 I've  started to read a lot more and listening to music at the same time so I'm in a relaxed state (I can read and listen at the same time, one helps the other as it helps me concentrate)  and therefore my mind is not listening to the cravings but rather wanting to know whats going to happen next.

With the weather being as beautiful as it is in the UK at the moment I've taken a chair out into the garden over the weekends, a drink to stop dehydration ( this is something about quitting smoking your mouth is always dry and constantly thirsty) and soaked up some rays whilst my nose firmly in a brilliant book!

I recommend if you're a massive fan of Crime and Thriller novels to read Tess Gerritsen's Rizzoli & Isles series, if you're a fan of the TV Show the books are amazing and more detailed with great plot twists.
Also Jeff Lyndsey's Dexter series of books are brilliant and if you've watched the show you will be hearing Micheal C Hall's voice narrating in your head.

You can also read at anytime of the day and you're not harming anyone in the process, I am a book worm and have been snuggling up in bed with a good book or a comic book at night to take my mind off my anxiety which seems to attack me more at night rather than in the day.

I've also made a massive step forward for my physical health by joining a gym at my local leisure centre. 

And Curries, Bread, Chips, Crisps ....
I must admit I've been really bad in the last three to four years with my nerve damage  is literally keeping me prisoner in my own home and although I eat a plant based diet, I'm comfort eating like a champion at the moment and the weight is pilling on again. 

I've been thinking of increasing my exercise for a while but when I go to gyms I feel threatened and most of the time I don't want to be doing cardio three times or more a week in a room where I feel like I'm being stared at. 

I have no idea what my physical ability is going to like since the operation and the other health issues I'm starting from square one and that slightly frightens me and I didn't want to be in an environment where I felt judged or threatened because i wasn't pushing myself as hard. 

I've had this at my previous gym where I felt so threatened that I eventually stopped going as I wasn't enjoying myself and I don't want the negative experience to repeat itself. 

So I've joined using a scheme called Up and Active that helps everyone who have become or have been inactive for a long period of time who are at the stage of getting back into exercising but in a supportive, gentle way. 

I get to go to classes that are low impact and therefore my body won't be screaming at me but also fun to with PT sessions in the gym to get me into a routine that suits my needs and again doesn't push my body to breaking point and also access to the swimming pool. 

"I love Swimming, my mum always said I was like Ariel out of the Little Mermaid as whenever I was on holiday as a child I could be found in the swimming pool or in the sea (depends on the ocean-  the Pacific doesn't like me) and I would not get out until I wanted to."

I am a self confessed water baby and recently I've been toying with the idea of maybe starting to go back swimming first and doing some light cardio and low impact exercise and working my way back up to the level I was before the who gallbladder nearly exploding and maybe introducing some weights into the mix if I get cleared by my consultant and the pain clinic to use weights. 

I started Lets Get Postive in 2018 in January and it's something that I've kind of been doing and you guys can do it if you want to. 

It is on the Facebook Page and it's all about becoming more postive in your life and you don't have to make a huge change or do New Years Resolutions but rather change the way you think about things everyday. 

"We all have Great, Good, Okay, Bad and then 6 feet under a ten ton of Rubbish days and thats okay but rather than thinking negatively just the simple change of thinking positively and doing things that make a positive impact that are suitable to your needs rather than putting yourself under so much pressure that it all become to much and you'll stop or give up on." 

It doesn't matter what that is as it's completely personal to you and can be whatever you want it to be rather than be forced to be told to do. 

Mine has kind of evolved which is great as at the start of the year I didn't think I would stop Smoking or even attempt to and here I am in May in my third week and working my way to a smoke free live.

 I also thought I'd never be going back to the gym but I am and I'm happy and proud because I have done it in my own way without feeling pressured or threatened. 

I've also got an exciting announcement which I'll tell you guys over on Facebook, the link to which is in the top bar on the blog. 

Head over there and don't forget to give it a like if you want more content from the Aspergers Girl Guide! 

Today is a postive day and I'm pleased about that, even though I've struggled I'm getting there slowly and at my own pace. 

Sophie xxx 


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