Dreams Can Come True!!!

We all have aspirations of what we want to be when we grow older, some of us realise early on that those dreams can change and others stick with us for a lifetime. 

When those dreams turn into reality, it can be the most rewarding feeling in the world and the emotions that go with it can be a whirlwind. 

But it does take hard work and sticking to your guns and not let anyone get in the way of that dream. You know your potential and you know that whatever you set your heart on the determination is there inside of you driving you forward. 

The road to achieving whatever goal you have is there, all you need to do is think in the long term is this really what you want? 

I started thinking about what I really wanted for a career when I was little and went through the obvious little girl dreams of being a dancer, a vet, a doctor and then I discovered media via Radio. 

I've always been fascinated by the way someone in a studio can be able to reach millions of people everyday without lifting a finger (or so I thought) and when I studied Media I learnt there were more people behind the scenes that makes what seems a easy thing happen. 

"I used to play radio station as a child and was always into my music but never really thought about the fun I was having as a child could sow a seed to where I am now as a 23 year old getting her foot in the door at the biggest media institution in the world."

What ever your dream is, it does take the confidence and energy to believe in yourself and understand that you can do it but it does take a long time to get there and that your determination and thirst to get the skills to further your education and career. 

Not many 13 year olds know what they want to do for the rest of their lives let alone what career they see themselves doing in 20 or maybe even 30 years time. Work seems such a strange idea and the pressure you are put under to make this choice which you might change in the next 2 years of your little life. 

I actually asked if there was a media GCSE (which there was) and I took it, I grasped at it and I did Drama as well to gain the confidence to perform and know it would help me in the future. But High School was not the right environment for me at the time as an undiagnosed Aspergers Girl. 

Two years later, I started at college that helped me grow in confidence and also realise that I was ready to take the steps towards my dream career. The staff and Lecturers made sure I had everything I needed to succeed and feel like I was heading in the right direction. 

I'll never really be able to thank them for all their support and it makes me feel so proud and grateful that people actually saw my potential! 

Support is the key!!

If you don't have that support, how will get to where you want to be? 

I know what you're thinking but trust me without the support from family, friends and professionals I wouldn't be where I am today and when I see other amazing Aspergers Girls not being able to achieve their dreams I instantly want to help them and give them positive support even in the form of emails or a quick Facebook message or in person a hug and words of support. 

Being Aspergers is difficult, people do not understand the amazing and unique skills that can change and benefit a work place from the way operations are managed on a day to day basis and seeing things from a different perspective. 

This amazing talent that is so natural to us, like our determination, organisation skills which can be borderline obsessive, completing instructions to the letter, Routines and able to work in shift patterns, punctuality to name just a few talents is what every employer wants from an employee. 

But the misunderstanding and partly dramas portraying Aspergers as Introverted and very socially unaware people who are not able to adapt as hindered our success. Also the misunderstanding of Females with Aspergers Syndrome has not helped and where as men will get more support for their difficulties girls are still not accepted to have the same difficulties. 

So what do you need to do to follow your dreams? 

1) Go for it!! 
You won't get anyway if you don't believe in yourself. Aspergers is riddled with natural self doubt and not believing in the great and amazingly talented person you are!! Research what you need to do to get to your dream and don't let anyone tell you can't! YOU CAN DO IT!! 

2) Learn the skills you need to learn. 
I learnt this lesson early on and through volunteering and gaining skills and getting advice from professionals who know what they are doing is excellent. There is no point going to a workplace and telling them you want to be this if you haven't even tried to learn and gain the experience you need. They won't give you the time of day. It might mean getting yourself into a course and a little bit of debt or working for nothing but in the end it pays off. 

3) Don't give up!
It does sometimes feel like you've hit this brick wall and you will be rejected over and over again but that shows your potential employers that you are willing to be ambitious and that you really want to do! It's all a learning curve and getting your foot in the door through whatever means such as experience and education is vital. You are brilliant and never forget that! 

4) Don't let others drag you down!
If I could tell my 15 year old self any advice it would be not to listen to the teachers who hated their lives to drag you down. Believe in yourself. People are naturally jealous when someone who they deem to be weak ends up successful. Their negativity can be like a poison, so toxic that it eats away at you and makes you think that you can't because their dreams never came true. There is always light at the end of the tunnel and there is hope. 

Don't pretend to be normal, your Aspergers is a great thing to have! It's what employers want!! You need to just be yourself and let everything positive about you shine through. It's so important to show that Aspergers is not what people expect and rather their understanding of it is completely different. Surprise them and show them.. this is me and I am X,Y &Z but my Aspergers is just apart of this success. 

6) Believe you are amazing! 
Not in an ego driven way but when you feel down remember all the amazing things you can do. Your mind is an amazing and special thing that is more like a computer with a wealth of knowledge and facts that people may have never thought of before. You see things differently and your perspective might be what someone really needs to get the answer to a problem that has been puzzling them for ages. 

Always be who you are... and just go for it! It'll come to you but it will take time! 



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