Hello 2016 - The Year of Positive Change for Mind and Body.

2016 has arrived and already the press are talking about how to make this better than the last. 

The latest diets because lets face it in the past two weeks you've eaten more than you should, holidays to plan and aspire to and even what facial products you should use to make yourself glow this year. 

But before you start panicking thinking I haven't done anything to kick the year off with a bang or even began to plan what you want to do this year because if you have made a resolution or two you're already struggling on what you should be doing before but still have no idea what you're doing with it. 

I haven't made resolutions this year as you might have noticed from my last blog post, instead I have just said to myself I want to make this year positive for my mind and body. 

What that means to me is that I keep my mental health on a even keel and try not to over react and think more positively and see the world differently. Instead of being negative and seeing the world in a cynical light, I want to put on my rose tinted glasses and see the beauty in this world and what is around me and feel happy even the world is falling apart around us right now. 

Some might think this is stupid but this is where people go wrong, being positive doesn't mean you have to be ignorant to the world around you. 

It also means that I have to battle some inner demons, somethings that I have bottled up for years and make positive changes. 
This means that I have to believe in myself and have the strength to be more confident and speak my mind when I need to. It also means that I have to be comfortable in my own skin and be true to myself and not get involved in others petty disputes and just be there for the people who matter most to me and be grateful for their friendship and trust. 

 I also want to be healthier and have the body that I know I can have if I got off my bum and started working out more. 

I've already stopped eating meat about 6 months ago and have been yoyo-ing between vegetarian and vegan, although really with the diet that I have been put on for my stomach I have still managed to be Vegan most of the time. 

I still eat Junk food before you all think I'm a saint, I still want stuff deep fried and covered in chocolate because I am a girl after all and there is a god because Oreo's are vegan!!! 
But even though I eat healthy most of time and make my own food from a few ingredients I still can get fat and I am addicted to processed Vegetarian and Vegan food which are still high in fats that are not good for you and I still love cake and carbs even if they are Wheat and Gluten Free. 

With recent health problems, I haven't been going to the gym or swimming as regularly as I should! 

Now really I want to be in a beautiful sunny place on a beach and swimming in calm, clear oceans somewhere away from the rest of the world and just get up every morning and have a walk down to the beach, my towel on my shoulder and clean change of clothes in a bag and a good book- because I have to dry off in the sun for a while! 

Instead I have to settle like the most of us with my local swimming pool which has different times for people to come and swim for an hour and just focus on the water and you're thoughts for a while. I actually think about creative things like for the blog and even for scripts that I am dying to write but never have the time or how to continue with the book I began writing a year ago and haven't touched since! 

I like swimming more than I like the gym, but them i've been a water baby rather than a land lover, knowing that it can hold you're weight and you're still burning fat and calories makes me feel so much better than being on a treadmill or a running machine. 
 I also confess that I wanted to be Arial from a very young age and still dream of being a mermaid if that is anyway possible?

Going to the gym CAN be FUN!

Although the gym can be a scary place for those who have never thought of stepping in one before. 

It seems like the regulars can smell your fear as soon you step into the place and like they know you might last a month and then leave! 
Yeah it's not the most welcoming places for an Aspergers person but if we use our natural determination and just put or music in our ears and go for it soon we'll fit right in. 
The thing is most people at that gym are like you, they are self conscious and have inner demons about their bodies and feel exactly the same way you do so don't feel like you're on your own. Instead think positively and focus on what you want to do, lose weight and tone up or even just to meet new people. 

The gym is kind of a place where you can focus on yourself and you find that people are not very open to chatting to each other and rather stay in their own little world for a hour of so.  

Look at the classes they have in the gym when you sign up1 Usually they have things that are fun and still keep you in shape. Also when you sign up you'l get taster session where you can use the gym for free and also join the classes without paying a fee. As a member you will get full benefit of the classes when you sign up. 

One of the tasters I did many moons ago was Zumba which is a dance workout that tones you up through dance and loads of people do it and you can meet new people and have fun and it doesn't matter if you have two left feet or are shattered after two minutes of intense dance. 
It is fun and you tone up and having fun at the same time!!! 

If you can think about the budget and how much you can spend and whether or not you will keep going to the classes and the gym long term rather than as a short term solution. 

Whatever you want to do health and fitness wise, now is the time to do it!!!! 

In my life in general, the one thing I really need to do is get myself more out there with my talents and see if I can get my dream job that I have trained for six years of my life!!! 

I've been a Volunteer Radio Presenter/Production staff since I was 17 years old  at two different local stations as well as studying at university in my dream subject and it is my dream to be a full time and Paid radio presenter hosting or even co-hosting my own show live daily on a station and I don't care if it's a small local commercial station or in the big leagues like BBC Radio 1 or even at somewhere like Rock FM or Key 103. 
I have applied for many radio jobs just to get my foot in the door but then I was thinking if I had a presence on Youtube or maybe if I had the confidence to actually speak to different radio stations and just ask are there any Radio jobs going, even answering the phones for a show or producing small pieces of content then I could get my dream job and I though 2016 is the time to step up to the plate and do it!!! 

But radio isn't only my dream!!

Since as long as I can remember I loved to sing! I love singing and I got the talent off my mum who is more amazing than me and have been going to singing lessons on and off for the past couple of years and also had the guts to audition for TV talent shows in the UK and have been rejected twice on the first pre-production auditions. 

So instead of wallowing in self pity, i've continued and kept going and making my voice stronger and increasing my range and choosing different songs and working on my performance. 

I indulge in Karaoke, which isn't the best thing to do if you are scared of being in front of people singing a song and worrying about every single note but it's good confidence training and I do it stone cold sober as well. 

But I do get people asking me why the hell I don't do this for a living and I say I've tried and I have failed but not because of my talent, more because of the fact that I'm not the correct genre or style that people are looking for in the Industry at this time. 
And with that rejection I've tried different styles and working on getting my voice to be more classical so that I can sing a wide range of music rather stick to my comfort zone which seems to be best idea and then I though really I should be on youtube again and so this year I've made that choice just to sing to a camera and forget about the world and put it up there for the world to see and see what happens!!!

So here it is.. 2016 might have some broken promises but they might have some successful promises. I don't know right now because my best advice to anyone with Aspergers is take everything at your own pace and don't rush into it!! Whats the point in rushing through life right? At the end of the day you might more mistakes if you rush. 

So hello to 2016 and goodbye to 2015, I hope you're year will bring everything you want but start it with some positive goals and even if you think of one positive thing a day .. thats 366 positive thoughts throughout the year!!!! 


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