Being Your Own Organiser
Getting used to Organising your everyday Life can be difficult! Especially as in School they try and teach you it but you don't really put anything into practice until at least you're at University or in Employment!
But knowing that no longer can you be a child and have to step up into Adulthood (which by the way SUCKS) with Appointments, Classes, Deadlines and even just everyday things all need to be Organised to the point that your Computer Desktop is neatly Organised with all your files labelled under different activities and work (Thats me by the way).
We've all seen characters that seem Neurotic and a little bit crazy and lets face it the Queen of this Organisation and Neat Freak that has to be Monica from Friends.
But before you mock her for what seems to be her insecurities or even Aspergers qualities ( I have a theory that Ross and Monica are actually Aspergers Siblings!) what we can take away from the over the top character is the organisational tips and tricks that she tells her other friends to use!
It might seem the end of the world and we all might be terrified of one aspect of organisation and basically making sure our life is stable. That is all Organisation is ... it's the feeling of being in control and to combat stress for you and others.
Using the Telephone is difficult.. I know and I have wrote a blog post about how to combat the stress that can be bring.
Anxiety is a massive problem and it can make you feel like you are not in control and if you are not confident then it can feel like you are losing a battle before you've even begun!
Once you've started the phone call there is no turning back and you have to just go with it and resist that urge to hang up.
The Link to the Important Calls post is:
You will find that you'll have different note books lying around with loads of notes from different aspects of your life.
If I see a Note Book in a shop I have to buy it, it is a little compulsion of mine as I have tons of blank note books that I used for everything from ideas for scripts that can range from film to a short that I want to work on or even if I want to do a youtube video or something (the thing is I need to work on my confidence on that matter) and then I have my note books that contain contacts from different places from Hospitals, Stuff from University usually research and then my Blog Idea stuff which is really important to me!
Most of the time I prefer texting and emailing rather than ringing people up, but people can ignore texts and emails so I find I spend a lot of time on the phone or my laptop! I have to note down dates and times which I do on my Mobile (cell) Phone as it's easier and I use a calendar app that syncs to my laptop and I even colour code my appointments to how important they are!
Yes it can seem a little obsessive or even control freakish but if it helps and makes life easier then thats the best thing to do!

So what to do when everything gets on top of you?
Everything can get a little bit out of control especially if you have about 400 things to do at once and haven't written it down properly or lost an appointment card! Sometimes if you get letters or cards with your appointments on it might be worth investing in a note-board/White Board.
You can write messages to yourself and also pin all the important information you need on there.
If you don't want to use a note-board the old putting it on the Fridge with a magnet is ok to... in fact I respect the old School methods!
Keeping things visually in front of you keeps you more aware of important appointments and other things.
If you're a little bit more into using your computer and phone for all things important like me then get you Laptop/ Phone screen organised ... Folders that are named and neatly placed on your desktop and also you're phone with different folders for all your apps, labelled again and use sticky notes or notifications the virtual ones for really important things!!! So appointments again and anything else that is important.
It might seem simple but it can be the difference between losing your mind or being like this guy:
You don't have to be like Ross but hey it was the only way I could actually visualise that feeling when everything is organised and you are in complete control!!!
So whatever might be happening in your life make sure you have everything to hand to avoid unwanted disasters!!!
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