The Insomnia diaries

So it's 1am and i'm awake for the second time in two nights. Last night I couldn't sleep and it took serval hours for it to finally arrive. 
The reason why I'm documenting this is because I know that many AS people suffer with insomnia throughout their lives. 

Anxiety is my trigger and I know that I have a hospital appointment in the afternoon which is causing me to have a panic!  I feel like i'm having a mild panic attack that is stopping me from going into a sleep. 

I have talked to other people with AS who struggle with their sleeping and part of the problem does stem from either an over active brain or the fact that they are anxious and their emotions are getting the better of them. 
I know I will have to just put Netflixs on and just let my brain switch off or I will fall asleep with my TV on with a dvd of my favourite comedian. Either way It's going to be a long night and I can guarantee that I will wake up majorly early and just be shattered. 

My tips for not being able to sleep: 

1) Don't over think 
Obvious I know but overthinking makes the situation worse rather than better. It might sound crazy but trying to shut it out or distracting yourself can aid relaxation that leads to sleep. 

2) Reading
I always have a book at the side of my bed for one reason or the other. I find reading relaxes me and makes me focus on whats happening. Harry Potter used to be one of my faves for taking to bed but now it has been replaced with the likes of J.A Kelery and Jeff Lindsey. 

3) Counting sheep doesn't work 
Old wives tale and so is banging your head continuously onto a pillow! 

4) Herbal sleeping tablets should be the last resort. 
If you only get the odd spell  of disturbed sleep patterns then don't go and buy Herbal sleeping remedies! The same goes with medication. If you are really suffering then the GP might be able to help. 

Sleeping tablets are an interesting topic as the GP will only prescribe you a weeks worth of medication to aid you getting back into a normal sleep cycle and once you've had one dose you can't have it prescribed to you again . They then tell you to suck it up and just take the herbal remedies that you can buy over the counter. You can get resistant to these as I know from personal experience and take more than you should. Always check with a health care professional if you are on other forms of medication should as anti depressants as they can have a negative reaction. 
Also they do advise what I have just said ... reading a d trying to relax and distract yourself as well as warm lavender infused baths ... or lavender on the pillow. 
It never worked for me ... so i'm here writing my blog! 

So for all those that are still awake I feel your pain right now!!! 

For me I'm going to try and drift off into the land of nod via Tumblr or Netflixs!!! 

Sophie xxx


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