#SurvivalGuide - Getting used to College Schedules and What to Expect

We're used to High School lesson schedules, but when you go to college everything changes and it seems like a scary new world to start over! 

Knowing when you're in lesson is the first step and will be explained once you've been accepted onto your course. So Hurray you've made it!!! No longer a child and now an Adult! 

It can be a stressful time starting a new course in the new environment for the first time but have no fear. Every college does have an induction week that does last a whole week where you have a chance to meet your new classmates and also get to grips with the course and what sort of stuff you will be learning.

Induction week is there to put your mind at rest, it's also a great chance to meet the team that is going to support you this includes your TA who will be by your side and lovely throughout the course. Also you will be notified about your timetable and whether or not you get days off!!

Yes really you will have a day where you will be in for half a day or not at all, and before you start jumping up and down this doesn't mean you can sleep all day and not have to do anything.
At college I would recommend (especially if you're planning on going to University) to get ahead of your work.
It might mean starting to read books about the subject you're are studying or planning your first project. With the course I did, Media is so vast that I had to plan numerous projects all in different lessons.

Top Tips: 
 At the beginning of every module or project that you are given, whether it be practical assignment or an essay it's time to start planning. Get to know what you have been asked to create and basically begin reading and gathering as much information as possible. Creating ideas and plans is also the first step to getting your project up and running!
Then look at your timetable! 
Depending on other commitments for example if you work part time or if you have on going appointments look and see when you have some spare time. Time management is the most important thing you can have! Work out whether you need a day or two to just lock yourself in library or just to place a large piece of paper on a table with a pen and begin scribbling ideas on it!!!

Part of the responsibility that comes with college is beginning to be more independent with the way you look at the tasks given to you. It doesn't mean you don't have to ask for help if you don't need it, but in any case if you don't hand your work in on time it's your own fault.

I will talk more about assignments and how to cope with them in a future blog post.

What to expect from college? 

In college you will still have to move from one classroom to another but don't really have the problem of moving from building to building. 

Instead most college's if not all have specialist areas and buildings for certain subjects. I was in the media and performing arts building which contained a small TV Studio, Dance Studio, editing suites, a Hair &Beauty Salon as well as serval other classrooms and a theatre. 

I knew exactly where I needed to be and when I had to be in lesson. Depending on your subject you might not even move from one room throughout you're college career.

Small Tip: 
I always would make sure you know exactly where the main toilets are and also how to grab a cup of tea or coffee if urgently needed. Also with the toilets it can be an escape if you need a little time to just recover and et rid of unwanted negative emotions. Like school knowing when exactly you need to get out is the most important thing! The only difference is - a college lecturer is not really going to care if you walk out of the room for five minutes. Mine used to tell me to have a break as I would over work myself! 

This is an really important point- although you have to be in college in the scheduled hours you can always have a break. I'd still tell your tutor where you are going but as long as you get your work done you won't have a problem.  Not turning up for lessons can land you in trouble and might get you behind on your work which isn't good at all.

What happens if I am late to lessons? 

In this case I would normally make sure you tell your tutor exactly why you're late or ring the college up to inform them because we all know what traffic is like in the morning and the buses. Make sure you set alarms and get up in plenty of time and always plan your journey to and from college. I would go and look at the Transport Survival Guide for more information! 


If you have an appointment at the dentist, doctors or even at the hospital, I'd inform your tutor very early on. Whilst at college I did used to inform my tutors about any appointments I may have had by scanning a copy of the appointment letter and handing it into them. Notifying your tutor will make sure that you don't get into trouble is you saunter in an hour after the lesson has started. If they are covering a certain topic or subject that has handouts ask your tutor to give you an advanced copy the week before so you don't fall behind and don't understand. also let your TA know!!!  

At the time I attended college I was on EMA which was where college students were paid £30 a week providing good attendance for being in college. This scheme has now been scrapped in the UK due to the new government that came into power in 2010! 
EMA covered your travel and material costs and unlike a student loan you didn't have to pay it back! 

Other than that enjoy your course and the whole experience at college.


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