#Handbook : The Tinder Games

Tinder is a great new way to meet people and it is free and through peer pressure I have been exploring the possibility to actually make contact with a guy and talk to them. But although I have been matched with someone- when is it the right time to make the first move or in fact should I wait for him to make the first move? 

The question still remains that although I am a confident person, when it comes to men or even talking to guys without some form of pressure or dutch courage I can't follow through and the thought of typing the words: 


The word Hi, seems simple but in the Aspergers world, 'Hi' can be the gateway to romantic heaven or hell. The fear I'm experiencing is the unknown and also what if the guy doesn't understand or in fact hears or reads the word autism or autistic and run. 

In simple terms am I scared of rejection for nothing I can control, or is the fear that I have no control or have to pretend to be someone that I am not? 

Is living a lie the reason I don't want to communicate? 

When it comes to social networking, many people being AS or not will actually create a variation on their actual selfs and create a new personality for themselves to impress others. 

But with Aspergers everyday life sometimes requires us to create another variation of ourselves and pretend or even close off our natural instincts to maintain a correct cover in the normal world. 

As always I use the word 'Normal' in the correct context meaning NT or NON AUTISTIC PEOPLE! 

So in a sense am I then scared of leading a guy on who might be the perfect person for me? Or am I just scared of giving some of my control to someone else in a relationship? 
All these feelings and emotions are at boiling point where I am now lingering over the phone ready to type Hi and not wanting to. 
The pressure I've now applied to myself is overwhelming and the more and more I over think or analyse and even rationalise i've putting myself off. 

In some ways I've become to think that should the guy make the first move? 

Dating and AS isn't easy and I'm not really the best person to give out advice and tips, but as a 22 year old woman I should be able to type the words HI and not have the fear of being rejected. This isn't high school where relationships last 3 days if you are lucky and then they finish.
The people I'm matching are graduates, and have the same interests in me and I have only liked them because they seem to be the people who would be right for me. 

So i'm here thinking about messaging this guy and well really in the place that I am now I should be able to message them. 

Should I take the leap of faith into the unknown? 

Or should I be like Bridget Jones Forever? 

The decision is all mine and what will I decide??


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