Scared to death and it isn't because of Halloween

It might be the scariest time of the  year already and Halloween might be approaching with it's trick or treaters and pumpkins amongst other traditions.
But this week was supposed to be a week I was looking forward to as my schedule looked like this:

Halloween Special on Radio 

With Nandos first cos I love my Pri- Pri Chicken! 

Better get your backside in gear as you're going to London on Friday... start making a list on what you need to pack! 

Pack and  have a few drinks in the pub with the girls before going bed early cos you have two trains to catch in the morning! 

London Baby! 

Instead my schedule reads that I'm either sleeping a lot or I'm lonely and BORED! I can't have fun and I that makes me want to sleep more cos at least in my dreams I'm actually doing something fun for a change.

Tomorrow I still get to see Tourplay which I'm excited about and it'll make me feel better and I can write a review about it. But instead of all the positive things running through my head I have my Pre-op tomorrow and I can't think about nothing else and i'm on the verge of becoming so insane with fear that I might snap if it weren't for the pain killers that make me turn into a sleepy sloth mess!
I'm letting the fear control me and I know that but with AS that is our default setting- don't want to do it and I'm not going to do it no matter what!

On saturday I am going to Liverpool for my cousin's 21st - which should be good to get out of the house and actually speak to other human beings!  And she will have the best birthday meal ever whether I'm sick or not thats if I'm up to it mind you!

Basically I'm sharing my misery with you and I apologise for that.

Hope you guys have a great Halloween and Half term (in the UK) and I'll speak to you next time.

Sophie xx


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