Horoscopes and the Pre-op

Today is the day when i've dressed up to go to hospital. As a girl we always need something to cheer us and if that means putting a nice jumper on and maybe swapping my bag for another one and even wearing a pair of boots then thats fine.

Now the title mentions something that many people don't believe in Horoscopes and in my desperation and feeling pity for ones self for reasons that I don't really want to blog about I typed into the internet horoscopes and found my star sign and then read the stuff and one sight was fairly to the point of what was in fact happening in my life.

But as always you don't just look at the day do you?

No I got so sucked in by the actual thing that I clicked on the week and a surprise came up that really hadn't shocked me.

One of the problems that every girl faces is relationships and the pressure to find a boyfriend before they reach 25 years old. And that isn't counting all the failed relationships I had when I was a teenager!
As someone who isn't really a rookie to the whole relationship game but picky and know what I want and need and I am sick of being single but not desperate enough to have a boyfriend. It was a surprise to read in your weekly horoscope that you might find Romance.

That it might be a loose thing to say with romance as I haven't been out of the house and that is just to the local shop because I get really tired at the moment if I go out for more than an hour and cranky. So the only way I'm going to meet a guy is today either at the hospital which would be ironic or in Bury later on after the appointment. So unless i meet him in Nandos of the cinema going to see the exact film as me and happens to be a massive Mcfly/Mcbusted fan I might be on to a winner?

But I always take horoscopes with a pinch of salt as they are not specific to you rather than a generic overview of all the star signs so one person may not be experiencing what you are and therefore I don't really read them. It was a moment of weakness where I wanted some kind of hope.

I have become somewhat of an independent gal who doesn't need a bloke on her arm to make her happy! If I'm honest give me a film or a book and I'm on happy bunny. Men are sometimes very boring and need a certain kind of patience that I am yet to learn or are willing to learn. Although I may not have any confidence I know what I want and i don't stop to strive to get it.

Oh well wish me luck. Might Vlog tomorrow so click on the youtube button at the top to link to my page! Maybe on thursday :)

Anyway I'm off

Sophie xxx


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