AS and Drunks- Not a good combo

As a person that loves to socialise, being with friends in a local pub can be lovely, sitting and talking about different things including Holidays, but it's when the people around start to get drunk that a lovely evening can turn sour. 

I like to go out and have a good time with my friends (being the age of 22 years old) but as someone who tonight was sober and everyone else around was getting more and more out of control the noise and choas getting overboard I began to not feel like I could cope. 

Choatic environments are not the best places for AS people to be, noise, swearing, drinks spilling everwhere ( as a dyspraxic as well it is a health hazard) and people becomming more amd more aggressive when they drink does not help the situation as anxiety builds. 

In this case I felt like I had no escape and even going outside to avoid the situation did not help as I was followed - it was making me anxious. The pub is my local so luckily I know the staff who will let me come behind the bar where normal costumers who can't go behind to get me out of the way. I started to feel angry which isn't a good thing , but logically when you feel threatened the reaction is to fight rather than flight. 

My councillor has given me great advice on what to do if the feelings of Anxiety rises, and the technique is adaptable to any social situation, be it in a pub or in a safe and comfotable environment which my local pub is to me. 

Step 1: 

Try and take yourself out of the situation
In a situation where you feel anxious or threatened try and get away from it, whether it's going outside or even escaping to the toliets (Bathroom) and shut yourself away from it. You can go back into the situation when you feel ready to- don't let other people interfere however ... you are more important at that moment in time.

 Step 2: 

Regulate your breathing, it will relax you and bring your heart rate down. I try and breath in a continuous wave- breathing in and out in a steady rhythm until I feel like I have calmed down enough. When you exhale  push the anxiety out, imagine you are letting all that frustration amd fear out of your body. Also breath in through your nose and out of your mouth. 

Step 3: 
When you do come back into the situation stay near your friends
whoever you are out with - and are your friends will understand your Autism, so therefore will help you to regain your place in the social group. Rejoin the group and be yourself. Usually my friends will ask me if I'm ok which I sometimes say I am now, but I'm still a little anxious, which will then allow them to understand that your anxiety is under control but I do need some support. They usually then bring me into the conversation and I feel better as I forget what had just happened. 

The important thing when people follow you is to bring it to the attention of staff: you don't need to be harrassed and the members of staff will ask them to leave, if they persist then keep telling members of staff- if in a club setting security will escort them out of the building. In a pub situation people will be barred from the pub. 

I hope this has helped? I need to go to sleep because I'm a tired bear!! 

Night all 

Sophie xxxx


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