Writing a Novel isn't easy - neither is getting a job

So update, I've finished university and now I am trying to fill my time what ever I can get my hands on, i'm still working at the radio station once a week, tune in if you wish... but other than that i'm currently trying to write a book. 

As an AS person, creativity is one of our many talents, but to actually sit down and concerntrate on a book can be difficult. Again i'm looking into the depths of my own mind, my imagination runs runs wild and is untamed so I can be up in the early hours of the morning writing something. I have already written 4 chapters and although I know the plot and story it constantly shifts and changes. 

Unlike writting a script , you can go into more detail and that detail can be anything you want it to be, on the surface it might seem like something is going to happen and I will draw it out without thinking.

Writing is a theorpy, frustrations can be released, and whether it's a fanfiction or just a private story it can places you want to experience or you can write about worlds and places you dream of going to ... or in my case set up a world that has been destroyed and then re-built. 

Enough of my ramblings.... 

If you live in the UK and want to listen to my show .... 

Go to: 


Sophie xxxx


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