reviewing old information: University Problems!

Ok remember I mentioned that essay I have to write on Radio Drama, I forgot to look at the fact I have to make the product that I have created apart of it.

So looking over a powerpoint that contains stuff that we either did in the first year or second year of university and think WHAT???

See if you can understand this and factor it into what I am writing about:

Medium: How does your programme fit within the medium in its current state of technological and industrial development?
Format: Does your project correspond to or depart from and existing format? Bearing in mind that formats are industry standards and hence different to genres
Genre: Is your project part of an existing media genre? Does it conform or depart from generic conventions? Is it a hybrid? Does it propose a new development of the genre?

Style: Is your project characterised by a particular audio/visual style? What aesthetic choices have you made and what inspired these choices? Remember style is about individuality rather than the collectivity of genre, nevertheless style is no less subject to influences

Nope me neither! And I did this in university, the isolation with this is killing me...  because lecturers refer back to the assignment brief... which quiet frankly I don't want to do as it explains nothing!!! KILL ME NOW! 


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