I'm Free!

So the light at the end of the tunnel has been and gone, I have finished a degree and that is the best feeling in the world.
It has been 3 years of hard work, pain, depression, stress and well just feeling like I couldn't do it. I have to wait until July until I finally get the actual piece of paper. But that feeling of absolute bliss and pride that you have achieved something is coursing through my veins and I am happy.

I have a future and it starts here, the end of my education life and the start of my working life. I want to make Aspergers more understood and all the stigmas attached to it to go away so more people like us can do things like get a degree and work in a job that they love.

I know it sounds cheesy but although it has been a hard and long battle between me, my Aspergers and also the university... IT WAS WORTH IT!

I can't describe the way you feel, I think it is like having  the best day of your life, the satisfaction that you have completed something and in the end... you have and I have proved that you can do something and get the results you want whether people question you or not.

I have had great support in the form of my mum, she has been there for me and will be and that is important. But self belief is something I want to get across. If you believe in yourself and have only a tiny bit of that belief and the determination you can do anything!!!

I have been told that:

"You will amount to nothing, you will be nothing... you'll live in a council house, be on benefits and will not amount or achieve anything." 

A teacher told me that, after I got busted Smoking, little did he know that if I didn't smoke I wouldn't of been able to cope. I don't not advise you start smoking!!!  But when I get that degree, I want to go to my old school, got to that teachers office and show him that degree and say:

"You may think I was going to believe what you said for a long time I did, but then I realised that what you said to me was what you thought of yourself, trapped in a profession that you hate and at the end of the day the only pleasure you get is to tell children in your care that you want them to fail, because you feel like you have failed yourself. And I haven't failed... I'VE DONE IT!" 

I know that might sound mean, but to get out all that hurt when you were 13 years old and being told that by someone who is supposed to help you and assess your problems, and to instead batter down your self confidence and belief system is wrong.

But the thing I have learnt is that, that person must've been depressed himself. Bullies usually bully other people because they feel that way about themselves. Also at the time I didn't know I was Aspergers so thats a point I would like to raise in that situation because that should never have been said to me or any child.

If I could go back in time and talk to my 13 year old self and say it gets better and you will have a degree and you will have a wonderful life I would, it deeply saddens me that I thought that I was a failure and that I let everyone down. When the only person I had let down was myself for believing that (excuse my language) SHIT!

All I can say and the point of this blog post is to say the world is yours for the taking!!!
Here's Journey with Don't stop Believin!


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