Happy Easter!!!

So it's time of year again where chocolate is bountiful and where I usually will stuff my face with the stuff!
But this year it's slightly different as I've been going to the gym recently which is a great thing but can also be a nightmare for most AS people. Keeping fit is a good way of getting stress and anxiety out of our systems as well as keeping us in shape.
But again there are lots of obstacles that can hold us back in these situations: usually it is again people.

I don't know about you but I hate people watching me eat, let alone stare at me as I run on a treadmill. Now my first tip is to make sure that you go earlier in the morning or go in the afternoon as the gym is usually dead cos most people are at work during the day. Also take your music with you, most machines including the treadmill and the cross trainer do have an input for a USB or if you have an Apple Product where you simply plug it into the machine and then put your headphones in the audio jack and away you go.

When it comes to music everyone is different when going to the gym and in every situation. I find that Heavy Metal helps me to work harder and faster for longer and also great tip here is that if you have a anger problem, the gym is the best place to release that and someone screaming with a heavy drum beat, baseline and guitar solos are sometimes the best way to go. For a more gentle experience try Dance music, just gets you into the swing of things really!

I am all on my own this easter, which is nice actually cos I like having me time which I'm sure a lot of you guys do. I must say though at night it can be worse as I hate being on my own. But I'm occupying my time by editing my final project and well trying to hit my deadline which is stressing me out but what can you do??? I have 2 essays to complete as well, and one I have no idea what I am writing about which is a little bit of a bummer!!!!
I'm finding that i'm starting to worry about the near future as after I get my degree thats it! Where do you go from there?

It'll be my first time in 6 years that I have been out of education!!! Scary Scary thought!!!!

Anyway enough with my dribble... Have a lovely and happy easter everyone!!!!

Sophie xxxx


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