Under Pressure

I really want to put that famous Queen song in here.

What I mean by Under pressure, is that my university career is nearly over, I'm in my final semester of my final year and already my graduation looks really expensive!!!

But before I can spend over £300 on stuff that I am only going to wear for at least an hour or more and photos that cost a bomb, I have to finish my final project.

Overall my university experience has had it's highs and lows, more to the point the lows have hit me harder than ever. It feels like I have had 3 years of constant nightmares that I pay for just for a piece of paper at the end.  I'm not moaning, University has made me develop and handle situations that I wouldn't have been able to handle if I hadn't taken that leap of faith and well everything has it's highs and lows.

I'm all tired out from London, although had a amazing time with the best friends! But I'm back into the clutches of reality and the weather up in the north west kinda sums up that hey kid you've had your fun now it's time to work hard and not play at all for the next 2 months.

Last night I didn't go to resource centre I wasn't really up for it, I feel like I'm over adapted and when I go to a place where I can be aspergers I can't let go of the protective shell and be myself which is something that I have deal with on a daily basis. I think part of this is down to the fact that I am in university and studying for a degree and not locked in my room all day away from people. I mean socialising with AS people for me shouldn't be difficult but I feel over powered - to many men for a starter and I also feel like I have to act like a child in a way which sounds wired as I shouldn't feel anything like that really. Being who I am.

Anyway enough rambling I have to go , got a meeting with a lecturer!!!

Sophie xxxx


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